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 E` una unità di monitoraggio degli stati di allarme da n°4 o n°8 ingressi digitali.

 L’unità DIGI4CONTROL e DIGI8CONTROL supportano le seguenti funzioni:

 - Segnalazione di allarme da n°4 o n°8 ingressi ON/OFF provenienti da:

      . sensori a contatto meccanico

      . sensori a contatto PNP e NPN allo stato solido

      . sensori induttivi tipo NAMUR SJ2-N-Y

 - Segnalazione stato di allarme mediante accensione dispositivo luminoso (4 o 8 LED rossi)

 - Pulsante disattivazione avvisatore acustico su pannello frontale

 - Pulsante di test

 - Programmazione ingressi (N.A. o N.C.) mediante pulsanti sul pannello frontale

 - Contatto di uscita con funzione di allarme cumulativo o comando sirena ausiliaria mediante pulsanti sul pannello


Technical Specs


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- Local and remote monitoring of tank for level and pressure
- Integrating differential and relative pressure transducers
- Large LCD display for level and pressure with backlight and low light sensor
- Minimum level, low pressure and high pressure/high level set-points with additional output switches programmable by user
- Low temperature alarm for detecting leakages of cryogenic media close the transducer.
- 3 additional alarm inputs for external switch sensors (e.g. pressure switches)
- Repeater signals 4/20mA or 0/20mA outputs for level and pressure measures
- Proprietary network protocol CRIONET or Modbus optional
- Programming by encoder with button integrated
- Easy, fast and inexpensive installation for setup and startup.

Power supply  
Voltage: 24 Vdc ±5 %
Current: max 0.2 A / 230 Vac
Optional: max 100mA
Additional alarm inputs: 3 digital inputs, 9-48 Vdc, Imax 5 mA, insulation >4 kV
Visual indications: 4 digits LCD display for level H18 mm
Pressure and level (DRT transducer)
Relative pressure: Range: 0…20 bar (standard)
Optional: 0…50 bar (optional)
Resolution: 0.1 bar
Combined error (0…50 °C): < ±0,2 bar
Breaking overpressure: 35 bar (80 bar for range 0…50 bar)
Differential pressure (level)
Range: 0-2 bar
Resolution: (programmable by user)
Combined error (0…50°C): < ±2 % of F.S @ F.S. A150 mbar
Differential overpressure: ± 4 bar limited by integrated protection system
Local network interface & References
Local network interface: Proprietary protocol CRIONet on insulated RS485
Weight: 3,5 kg
Operating Temperature: -20…60 °C
Reference standards and directives: 014/30/EU EMC, 2014/35/EU LVD
EN 61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-3
ISO 15001, BAM M 034-1

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